Bank Loans Aren’t Your Only Option
At ei Funding, we understand a traditional bank loan isn’t the best fit for every business. You might be unwilling or unable to take out a bank loan for a number of reasons:
- You want to avoid costly fees and high interest rates.
- You need funding sooner than what’s possible with a bank loan’s weeks-to-months-long approval process.
- Your business doesn’t meet the credit requirements.
- You don’t want to be trapped in a months-to-years-long repayment period.
- You need funding for regular, recurring expenses like payroll or inventory.
Helping Business Like Yours Grow

I have no words to describe how much he’s helped me and how he’s helping my business grow.
If it wasn’t for Ernane, I’m not sure where I’d be right now with my business. He’s on top of everything. I can hire more technicians now and I’ve grown the business by about 20 percent.
James Quiles
Owner, A&J Telecommunications, LLC